Taller virtual sobre personalización de la nueva interfaz de usuario de Primo

Desde el 12 al 16 de diciembre el Grupo de Trabajo de Primo de IGELU va a celebrar un taller virtual sobre personalización de la nueva interfaz de Primo. Los que estéis interesados podéis inscribiros en https://igelu-eluna-siwg.signup.team/

No es necesario ser miembro de LIGELU para asistir, es abierto para todos los usuarios de Primo.

En el mensaje adjunto tenéis los detalles.


Gaspar Olmedo

——– Mensaje reenviado ——–

Apologies for cross-posting. Please forward as you see appropriate.  Details of the conference are below:

The new user interface for Ex Libris’ discovery product, Primo, is a direct result of a product enhancement request by customers in 2014-2015.  The initiative represents one of the most productive product collaborations to date between the ELUNA/IGeLU User groups, the user community at large and the vendor ProQuest/Ex Libris. 

In order to learn how to customize and develop in this new environment, Ex Libris and the ELUNA/IGeLU user groups are offering a week-long virtual conference from December 12-16 via Slack.  Recorded video and live sessions (via YouTube Live) will be scheduled daily and dropped within the Slack platform for participant viewing.  Participants can post questions/comments/code snippets to the #primodev Slack channel where developers from Ex Libris, the community at large, and Ex Libris support staff will be hanging out for the week.  Sign up for the event at https://igelu-eluna-siwg.signup.team.

Attend this conference if you want to:

  •     learn how to apply your university’s colors and logo to the environment
  •     build custom headers and footers
  •     insert recommendations or book reviews from sources other than bx
  •     query an externally hosted RESTful API and deliver the results within the user interface
  •     change the request/service pages in a some way
  •     team-up with other developers to collaboratively build a feature. E.g., some may choose to develop a resource-sharing/ILL availability feature for BorrowDirect

Coders are not required to contribute to GitHub or any other repository, but contribution is strongly encouraged to invite collaboration with other developers. A short program is listed below (all live events are 11:30a-1:00p EST):

  • Dec 12 – Setting up the customization environment | CSS & HTML Customization
  • Dec 13 – Javascript customization – using hoverID/showDirectives, incorporating existing NPMs and understanding the MVC architecture used in Primo
  • Dec 14 – Intermediate Javascript – accessing PNX/user session info for service pages
  • Dec 15 – Intermediate Javascript – two-way data binding: accessing external services (syndetics/recommendations/linked open data). Lightning talks of projects and issues.
  • Dec 16 – Rolling your feature into a package and sharing your code via the Ex Libris developer network and GitHub/NPM

Want to submit a topic for discussion?  Want feedback about an in-progress project? Submit suggestions before the event and they may appear as subjects in the lightning talk scheduled for Dec 15. Just propose your topic by writing a short description and tag it using #lightning as a hashtag.

Want to work as a team?  We can create user groups that can be addressed by @team, simply propose a team by using #team and the team name and a group will be created by the Slack admins.

A demo primo server will be provided by Ex Libris for those developers who do no not currently have Primo or who are not on the November 2016 release.  Credentials for access to that server will be located in the Welcome message of the Slack channel the week of the event.

Instructions for setting up your development environment can be found in GitHub. Post installation issues to the slack channel prior to the event for assistance.

Hope to see you there….

ELUNA/IGeLU Primo Product Working Groups