Segunda ronda votaciones del IGeLU para la introducción de mejoras en Aleph

The 2nd round of this year’s voting on the enhancements for Aleph will commence on 1st October. This is a little later than planned – the delay having being caused by the work involved in discussion, clarification, assessment and allocation of points, variously by ourselves and Ex Libris. The voting will close on the morning of Tuesday 13th October at 9am BST (8am UTC).

There are 32 enhancements with ‘votable’ status for voting on – these are the enhancements which received the top votes in the 1st round.

Make sure that you can access the DB before the voting starts (though you will not be able to place any votes until the 1st October) and also check through the ‘votable’ status requests to decide which ones your institution would like to vote on.

Each institution will have 100 votes for its preferred enhancements.

For further information regarding the enhancements process go to the IGeLU website here:

For problems accessing the IGeLU website, refer in the first case to the IGeLU contact person at your institution who should know the access details.

The enhancements database is here:

As stated on the IGeLU web: You will need the ICAU username/password to access the database. This is different to the one you use to login to the IGeLU website. For any problems with access to the database, please contact Emanuela Pisanu, with a copy to Duccio Di Blasi,


Gerard Bennett
Aleph Product Working Group Coordinator
University of Westminster

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