Recursos a incluir en la CKB de Metalib (NERS – IGELU)

En el mensaje adjunto podeis ver los resultados de las votaciones de recursos para la CKB de Metalib en NERS de IGELU.

Una visión general del estado de cada petición puede verse en EL Commons de Ex Libris:


Gaspar Olmedo

——– Mensaje original ——–

All –
This is to remind you that the 6th snapshot of voting for MetaLib CKB resource addition requests will take place on 14 August, in two weeks time.
NERS was developed and established by ELUNA and IGeLU jointly to manage knowledgebase resource addition requests and software enhancement requests, to which you can submit requests and in which you can vote for requests listed in the service relevant to your libraries. Every 8 weeks or so, a snapshot is taken of the current voting for MetaLib CKB resource addition requests, and the top 4 global and top 2 regional requests are forwarded to Ex Libris. The regional requests are decided on a rotationally based on national telephone codes to ensure all regions have an opportunity to put forward region-specific resources.
You are urged to add your favourite resources not already included in the CKB to the NERS database, and to vote for those relevant to your Library.
More information about the NERS procedures can be found in EL Commons at
where you can also find summaries of voting of the previous five snapshots.
The results of the 5th voting snapshot on 10 June last were as follows:
– Title: Library of Congress eBooks site
– Title: WorldCat
– Title: EBSCOHost Web gateway configuration for MEDLINE
– Title: SciVerse Hub
– Title: HeinOnline : English Reports
(Note: 5 resources were forwarded to Ex Libris because it is assumed that EBSCO Medline is included in the All EBSCO request forward after the second snapshot in November last year)
– Title: Informit Databases – One Search Option (Australia)
– Title: Index New Zealand (New Zealand)
We can update you when we have news of the status of these requests from Ex Libris.
Many thanks
IGeLU/ELUNA NERS MetaLib enhancement coordinators
– Jeremy Acland (IGeLU
– Mark Needleman (ELUNA
– Stefan Lohrum (IGeLU
– Nancy Hunter (ELUNA