Proceso de introducción de cambios en el software de Sfx


En el mensaje adjunto podeis ver los resultados del proceso de peticiones de cambios en el software de SFX llevado a cabo por IGELU en colaboración con Ex Libris

El EL Commons se puede ver esta información con detalle:


Gaspar Olmedo

——– Mensaje original ——–

Seasons greeting to all,
As the first ever IGeLU/ELUNA SFX software enhancement cycle, the enhancement process progressed quite well, in spite of encountering a few surprises along the way.  Though a bit delayed, here are the results of this fall’s voting for SFX software enhancements by 64 different user group member sites.  
Enhancements were chosen for development by Ex Libris based on a number of considerations including:
   i) the number of votes received by the users


   ii) how many can be done in a given time (inversely proportional to the complexity and effort required)
   iii) what effect an enhancement may have on other components
   iv) the alignment of an enhancement with the existing product roadmap


Based on these considerations here are the top vote getters which will be implemented in the next year, most expected in the SFX 4.3 release:
(Rank)    Brief Description
  (2)  Export Tool: SFX export to Primo – enable incremental export of records


  (4)  Mobile use: mobile version of A-Z list
  (5)  KBManager, Search objects: display indication of titles that have active portfolios after object search
  (7)  KBManager, Search objects: make object search screen configurable


 (11)  KBManager, Search objects: display more options on «Search objects» screen, not just Title
 (13)  A-Z list: display information if a journal is peer reviewed
SFX 4.3 release is scheduled for Q2 2012.
Here is information on the other top vote getters that are not being developed as part of this process:
  (1)  MARC It: Include e-books in the MARC It service
MARCit! is a separate service that works with SFX but is not part of SFX.  MARCit! enhancements are therefore not part of the SFX enhancement voting.  However, Ex Libris appreciates the votes as important feedback and are taking this into account.  MARCit! for e-books is a service that Ex Libris is already considering and they are
currently conducting feasibility checks.


  (3)  Shibboleth authentication in SFX
Shibboleth authentication in SFX is a topic that requires much analysis and would not fit into the time frame for 4.3.  Ex Libris plans to invest the time for this analysis and will discuss this with the requesting site.  A decision will be made at a later time.
  (6)  Server administration: offer a configurable server clean-up procedure
Ex Libris is currently looking at ways to simplify server maintenance and cleanup and much work has been done in this field in the past.  This request together with other maintenance related requests will be examined and considered for the future.
  (8)  Mobile use: implement mechanism to reroute users to mobile versions of publisher platform
Currently there is no web standard to identify if a certain publishers’ platform supports mobile interfaces and if it does what the correct URL attribute may be that we should redirect to.  Some publishers have not yet developed such platforms at all, while other may recognize when a user is coming from a mobile device and redirect/resize accordingly.  Ex Libris is currently following the market to see if many publishers indeed go ahead and develop mobile friendly interfaces and how this was implemented.  Ex Libris will look into this again in the future.
  (9)  A-Z list: make a list of new titles + show indication of NEW next to each title
This A-Z enhancement request would take quite a bit of time, resulting in other requests not being developed. However, the other, smaller A-Z list development item (#13) will be developed.
 (10)  KBManager: On List of Portfolios, highlight active Targets
This development would not fit in the current time frame and will be considered for future releases.
The complete list of enhancement requests with voting results can be found here:
You will need your EL Commons login to see this report. 
Thanks to everyone for your participation and for your patience,
Kind regards,
Inga Overkamp, IGeLU Software Enhancement Coordinator.<>


Janet Arth, ELUNA Software Enhancement Coordinator, <
       ~  ~  ~  ~
Janet M. Arth, Systems Librarian
University of Minnesota Libraries Enterprise Technology
499 Wilson Library (mail)
569 Wilson Library (office)
309-19th Avenue South    email:
Minneapolis, MN              phone: 612-624-9860