Se abre una nueva ronda de votaciones y del estado de la implementación de los recursos ya votados. En este proceso sólo pueden votar los miembros de IGELU pero creo que es una información que puede interesar a todos:
The next (4th) round of MetaLib CKB enhancements voting will begin in April. The snapshot will be taken on April 15th, so please get your CKB enhancements into Ex Libris before then and then get ready to vote.
The MetaLib CKB enhancements voting now takes place at the same time as the SFX CKB enhancements vote – we hope this makes it easier for everyone to coordinate their work. More information about the enhancements voting process can now be found in EL Commons, at (requires EL Commons login).
Below are the latest update we have from Ex Libris re: the progress they are making on the databases you vote for them to prioritize. Please let those of us on the MetaLib Product Working groups know if you have any questions.
First update on the 3rd round results
- Database: Springer materials database (24 votes) Ex Libris status: no action yet. ExL will continue talking to the publisher.
- Database: SFX (19 votes) Ex Libris status: Discussing with Product management
- Database: NetLibrary (EBSCO) (18 votes) Ex Libris status: Existing configuration still works: will create a new configuration when migrated to eHost in June 2011 (see below).
- Database: SveMed+ (15 votes) Ex Libris status: Publisher contacted by ExL – now in negotiations due to the close changes in the publisher’s platform.
- Database: Fachportal Pädagogik (FIS Bildung) (Austria) Ex Libris status: Publisher will be contacted next week
- Database: Reaxys: Organic and Inorganic Chemistry database (UK) Ex Libris status: Contacted by ExL
Further updates on the 2nd round results
- Database: Springer ebook collection in mathematics and statistics = 34 votes Ex Libris status: Still in talks
- Database: MyIlibrary = 31 votes (ExLibris Incident# 27433) Ex Libris status: not going to happen anytime soon – the vendor is not ready yet.
- Database: All EBSCO targets = 29 votes Ex Libris status: creating new configurations for searching via eHost gateway for gradual release in future CKB Updates.
- Database: International Medieval Bibliography = 24 votes Ex Libris status: Vendor doesn’t work with federated search
- Database: Thieme EbookLibrary Ex Libris status: Still in negotiations.
- Database: IBZ – Internationale Bibliographie der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur Ex Libris status: In the March CKB Update