Mejoras de software en Primo como resultado de las votaciones de IGELU

Como resultado de la segunda ronda de votaciones de miembros de IGELU para la introducción de mejoras en Primo, Ex Libris finalmente ha aceptado la inclusión de las 6 más votadas que aparecen en esta tabla:

Title ReqID Description Complexity
Short Permalinks for Records and Searches 5845 The current permalinks for records in Primo are too lengthy to easily send to users, especially when using a service like Ask Us! via text message. (example of current permalink: We would like to see short permalinks under the “Send to” permalink option. Additionally, we would like to see a short permalink generator option for searches performed in Primo, as this would be helpful in providing research assistance to our users. However, shorter permalinks for records are the top priority. 40 5045
Informative text for non-extendable loans in the user area 5866 Within the loans section a patron can extend its loans but there is no (extend-link) if a book is not extendable. While this is called «smart fulfilment» users often ask why there is no extend-link for a certain resource. In the classic UI there is already an informative text saying that the resource is not extendable but this is currently missing in the NUI.  25 3248
Add user’s ability to select multiple items for renewal at one time 5493 When a user renews their loans in Primo they can only choose to renew one item at a time, or choose to renew all. We would like to give the user the ability to select multiple items to renew at once. 20 3041
Improvements to PCI administration / part 1 5857 We would like to see several improvements to how the PCI is managed. In particular we would like:More details about each collection on the PCI page (such as number of resources, types of resources it contains). 20 2369
Put Citation Trail back on the brief display 5610 The Citation Trail feature in the Classic UI has a visual indicator from the brief results page to let users know that they could explore the citation trail in a particular item. Add the same visual indicator to the New UI.  10 2041
Custom CSS/XML/Code/Mapping Tables for Emails generated within the New Primo UI 5877 Currently, there is no mechanism for modifying the contents/display of results emails out of Primo (New UI). These emails can be generated using the «Email» icon in the Actions bar, or by creating a saved search alert.  35 1730

Todas son cosas bastante básicas y necesarias y contribuirán a la mejora de la herramienta, pero quiero llamar la atención sobre la observación hecha por Ex Libris a una mejora propuesta desde España:

#5602: Search by «Alternative Call Number» – this can be done by normalization rules, not Primo development necessary. A request needs to be made on the Alma side to ensure the wanted data elements can be exported.

Esta, que es una mejora importante para algunas bibliotecas (el CSIC y la UPV al menos que yo sepa, no sé si habrá más en esta situación) que utilizan la «Signatura alternativa» del ejemplar como si fuese realmente la signatura principal, obtuvo bastantes votos en la primera ronda, pero fur rechazada por Ex Libris porque efectivamente no se trata de un problema de Primo, sino de que Alma no envía esta información hacia Primo, por lo que desde el lado de Primo no hay nada que hacer. Tendremos que seguir insistiendo y proponer este cambio desde el lado de Alma, para que esta información figure en la publicación de Primo.