Ex Libris Support Escalation Policy (Septiembre, 2009)

The Global Support Organization was established with the goal to provide world-class service through single-contact support for all Ex Libris customers and products worldwide. The GSO is committed to a best-practices approach that establishes and delivers consistent and predictable service levels, allows for tiered escalation of support incidents, transparency of processes, and unified response levels for all products through a continual measurement and improvement process. The GSO is a hybrid structure that provides support through centralized first-line, second-line and global support models determined by local needs.

Support Escalation Policy

In the event that you wish to escalate an issue–giving it more importance, please use the following steps:

  1. Escalate to the assigned owner via e-Service, first.
  2. Escalate to the customer support manager responsible for the product affiliated with the incident, as per the list below:

3. Escalate to the corporate vice president, global customer support: Anat Kuper Anat.Kuper@exlibrisgroup.com