Estado de las peticiones de nuevo contenido hechas por IGELU en 2018

El Grupo de trabajo de contenido de IGeLU y ELUNA llevó a cabo dos rondas de votación para mejoras de contenido en 2018. Los 10 ganadores principales de cada ronda de votación fueron transferidos a Ex Libris. Aquí hay un seguimiento del estado de los ganadores:

  • Completed:
    • Times Digital Archive 1785-2010
  • In the process of being added to KBs and/or indexes:
    • MathSciNet (starting with books in the KBs, index to follow)
    • American Chemical Society
    • Digitale Bibliothek des Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum
    • Juridika (starting with the KBs, index should follow if provider can proceed to the necessary changes)
    • In the process of legal agreement:
    • Royal Society of Chemistry ebooks
    • The Cochrane Library
    • Humanities Digital Library
  • A&I Databases:There were some abstracting and indexing databases on the lists of requested content enhancements. Ex Libris is awaiting the analysis of their pilot with CABI before approaching other A&I providers that were in the top 10 vote winners. These databases include:
    • PsycINFO
    • Cristin
    • EI Compendex
  • In discussion or being investigated with content providers: For the other databases and resources that were on the list of vote winners, Ex Libris has reached out to the providers or is investigating the addition of the content. At this point, there is no official update on the status of these resources, but the CWG will continue to communicate with Ex Libris about progress on adding these resources to the KBs and indexes. The task is complicated when providers are not responsive to Ex Libris requests.
    • American Physical Society (APS)
    • ATLA Religion Database
    • China Journal Net (CNKI)
    • China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database
    • Philosopher’s Index
    • Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
    • Westlaw International
  • Unable to negotiate indexing agreement:
    • Embase
    • Centre for European Policy Studies publications

 Este año no habrá ronda de votaciones por el trabajo de paso a CDI, pero se pueden ir incorporando peticiones en NERS para las rondas del año próximo.